Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Conversation: May 31, 2016

Mama: What do you want to talk about?
Jasper: Daddy and Dada.
Mama: What about your dads? Where do your dads live?
Jasper: They live in the cave.
Mama: Oh really? Where is their cave?
Jasper: They live on the house.
Mama: Do they live in a cave or a house?
Jasper: A house!
Mama: What color is their house?
Jasper: What starts with reh, reh?
Mama: I don't know.
Jasper: Can you spell R?
Mama: (I type R)
Jasper: Red! (Their house is yellow) What else? Hmm.
Mama: What did you have for dinner tonight?
Jasper: Have corn dog bites!
Mama: Do you like corn dog bites?
Jasper: Yes! Are you sure? Yeh- yeh, what starts with yeh?  YES!
Mama: What did you do with Mama tonight?
Jasper: He plays on the computer!
Mama: No, where did we go?
Jasper: We going to the stores.
Mama: How many stores did we go to?
Jasper: We got three stores! (holds up three fingers)
Mama: What did we buy at the stores?
Jasper: They walk the stores.
Mama: What does that mean?
Jasper: I don't know. He has enough money.
Mama: You have money?
Jasper: No! We are going to the .. did you know that the... what else? STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE!
Mama: I am not picking my nose. Where did you go this morning? Where did Mama take you?
Jasper: He take you the ... hmm.
Mama: Where did I take you this morning before I went to work?
Jasper: You walk the work.
Mama: What?  (he gets off his chair)  Are you done?
Jasper:  (running away) Yes!

Monday, May 30, 2016

First Camping Trip - May 29-30

Mama: Hey, we just got back from a camping trip. Your very FIRST camping trip. Did you have a good time?
Jasper. Yes! Hmm. Um. He wants a toy.
Mama: Well. Tell me, what was your favorite thing about camping?
Jasper. Hmm. The door.
Mama: You liked the tent door? The swinging door?
Jasper. No.
Mama: Well, what then? What did you like best?
Jasper. Hmm. Um. He wants a little square.
Mama: You are not making any sense. Did you like the campfire?  Did you like going on a walk? Did you like peeing outside? Did you like sleeping in a tent? Did you like it when it rained? What was your favorite part?
Jasper. Hmm. Um.. He wants a little rectangle.
Mama: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Did you like your sleeping bag?
Jasper. YES!
Mama: That was your favorite part? The sleeping bag and mattress?
Jasper. Yes! Hmm. Um. (I didn't type it.) HMM, UM. (looks at me pointedly) 
Mama: You don't have to say Hmm Umm every time.
Jasper. HMM, UMM.
Mama: (types hmm umm)
Mommy: Jasper, did you like touching that fish?
Jasper: Yes!
Mommy: Did you like playing baseball?
Jasper. Yes!
Mama: What did you NOT like? What was a bad thing about camping?
Jasper:  What starts with "buh, buh?"
Mama: I do not know.
Jasper: It Was A Bad Day.
Mama: Jasper, that is a book. We are talking about camping. Okay, we're done. Go away.
Jasper: NO!
Mama: Then tell me, what do you think about camping?
Jasper: Can you spell Hmm? ( I type it) Can you spell Um? (I type it, he walks away and plays Cinderella movie)

P.S. Read about the camping trip here.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Conversation: May 28, 2016

Mama: Jasper, what should we talk about?
Jasper: Um, Miss Tiffany.
Mama: What about her?
Jasper: Um, she talk.
Mama: She talk?
Jasper: Yes!
MamaWhat did you do today?
Jasper: Um, play!
Mama: What did you play with?
Jasper: Um, play!
Mama: Right, but what did you play with?
Jasper: Oh. A monster carrot.
MamaA monster carrot?  Wow. I did not see a monster carrot today at our house.  Where did you find a monster carrot?
Jasper: Hmm. [something something] monster carrot!!
Mommy: (to Mama) Oh, you remember, it's on that little short movie, with the zombie carrot.
Mama: Ooookay.  Let's talk about the sprinkler. Did you have fun with the sprinkler?
Jasper: Yes! By run.
MamaYou ran?
Jasper: I run! Yes.
MamaWhat else? What else did you do with the sprinkler?
Jasper: I run the sprinkler! And I run the water! Yes.
MamaWhere were we playing with the sprinkler?
Jasper: Hmm. Whoa. That was a nice one. NO. (laughs) OH. NO LADY. What? Ummmmmmmmmmm.... A carrot?

(At this point I realized he was just reading what I was typing, so I changed the topic.)

Mama: Hey, what did you eat for dinner tonight?
Jasper: Hmmm. A tater tot!
Mama: You had that for lunch. What did you have for dinner?
Jasper: OH! I remembered a clue! Umm... something... with dinner...
Mama: What did you have for dinner?
Jasper: I have corn dog bites! And tater tot! And rice!
Mama: Okay. You DID have tater tots, but that was in your tater tot casserole at lunchtime.  At dinner you did not have corn dog bites, you had a HOT dog, and rice.  Did you like the rice? You have never eaten just rice before.
Jasper: Yes!

Proof of this kid eating rice voluntarily.
Shirt says: Party Never, Read Forever

Mama: What did you have to drink?
Jasper: I drink juice!
MamaYeah, you had the flavored water juice you like.
Jasper: Oh. He has no way.
Mama: What does that mean?
Jasper: Hmmm. It's a monster. Whoa. That's a witch. Yes! That's the witch we need. WATCH OUT! It's a VAMPIRE!  Yes. It's a ghost.
Mama: Are you talking about a youtube video that you like?
Jasper: Yes. I like videos!

Monster Slippers
Later he came back in the room humming the Imperial March.

MamaWhat slippers are you wearing right now?
Jasper: I wearing Monsters Inc! I'm wearing Monsters Inc. slippers!
Mama: What color are they?
Jasper: They are green! And they are brown! Someone else is coming!  It's black! What you talk about? Well, that was nice monster machines. Whoa. Thanks for your help. NO PROBLEM!  I did another clue! (coughs) Another blig blocks? And another blink box? WHAT IS GOING ON? All aboard! Alvin! Cowboy! Gogo! I need your help! Did you get slime boxes?

(Here he started reciting whatever show he was talking about so fast I lost track)

Mama: Okay, are we done?
Jasper: Yes.
Mama: Did you have a good day?
Jasper: Yeah.
Mama: Are you ready for bed?
Jasper: NO. We just watching.
MamaWhat are you watching?
Jasper: I'm watching Monsters Inc. Whoa, that wasn't Monsters Inc. UH OH, what's happening here? Hmm.. It's a.... Mr. Violet!
Mama: Okay, get out of here! Gimme a kiss!

(He kisses me on both cheeks, then says, "Mwah, Mwah, Nice to SEE you!" and runs away, presumably to find the Monsters Inc DVD and play it.)