Two Super Mario Bros. interactions for you.
1) Jasper asked me to play so I was pretending I didn't know how to get over an obstacle. "RUN!" he instructed. I showed him that Mario was running but getting nowhere.
"I am," I said, smirking.
"JUMP!" he shouted, demonstrating for me and pointing at the television. I made Mario stop running and instead jump up and down.
"I am. It's not working," I lamented, giggling to myself.
"SKIP!!!!" he yelled, jumping and throwing his hands into the air.
Well... yeah. It's skipping. I skipped. "You did it!!! Great job, Mama!" Jasper congratulated me. Lol I had a great teacher.
2) Jasper was playing the game himself, and managed to get further along in the game than ever before before his character died and he got a game over. "Wow, you did a great job, Jasper, you-" He cut me off. "No. No I didn't."
"Yeah buddy, you got fur-"
"Listen to my words," I encouraged him. "You made it further in the game than you ever have before! You are learning, and that is good, and you can do better next time! That IS a good job!"
"No," he grunted. "I can be PERFECT."
Uh oh. I think we're in for a rough academic existence.